Policies & Procedures » Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct


All students of Robert Frost Middle School are responsible for conducting themselves in a manner that is appropriate to good citizenship. Student conduct shall be founded on the basic concept of respect, consideration for the rights of others, school policies, and applicable codes of law. The philosophy of the faculty and staff of Frost Middle School is that all students are provided a safe learning environment, which helps develop a positive concept of themselves, enhances individual potential, and increases respect toward others.

Frost Middle School students will:
  • Conduct themselves in an appropriate and respectful manner, fulfill their responsibilities as good students and citizens, and respect all school adopted policies.
  • Demonstrate appropriate and positive behavior conducive to academic success and individual achievement.
  • Recognize and exercise all their rights, while fulfilling all their responsibilities.
  • Respect and understand the rights of others, the laws of our society, and the RFMS school policies.
  • Dedicate their time and effort to fully concentrate on the educational opportunities provided at RFMS.
The purpose of the RFMS Code of Conduct is to nurture students and prepare them to make meaningful and positive contributions to their school, community, and society, during and after their middle school experience. To achieve our goal of providing students with the most productive learning environment, the Local School Leadership Council, with input from all groups of stakeholders, has approved school policies that students are to respect and enforce. In an effort to help students understand and accept the consequences of their actions, students in nonconformity with the RFMS Code of Conduct will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined by the Progressive Discipline Policy.
While we recognize that bullying and harassment are a national epidemic we at Frost are committed to addressing each and every case that is reported to us.
If a student is not compliant with Frost’s Code of Conduct, they will conference with the Dean of Students. The Dean and Administration, when appropriate, will determine interventions or consequences to be given. The Dean will communicate with parents when students are sent to the Dean’s office. Frost is committed to positive behavior support and restorative justice.